Sunday 17 October 2021

The snake in my dream

The snake in my dream. 
Few months ago I woke up in the middle of the night startled, panting and dripping sweat. I looked at my arms and legs they were fine and as normal as it was before I fell asleep. 
What happened?
I was in an arena full of people. People whom I knew but I could hardly recognize. They all spoke amongst themeselves but I did not understand them. Suddenly, a huge snake leapt out of a box kept nearby. Without giving us time to think he approached us in fierce speed. The arena had peculiar small and crooked steps. As the entire crowd headed downwards, I ran upwards away from the crowd. The snake, now in vigorous speed did not follow the rest  but charged directly at me. As I climbed higher I reached a wall. I could either jump down the stairs and break my hands and legs or let the snake kill me. I did both. 
In seconds I opened my eyes again only to find myself in a hospital, surrounded by several people I didn't recognize. My hands and feet were melting as I laid on bed asking the doctors about my family, recalling names that I remembered. They answered none of them existed there. 
I woke up paranoid, looked at my bed and touched my skin it did hurt a little bit but I was alive. What happened? 

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Kali is the avatar where parvati, the shakti merges with shiva, the rudra or destroyer and attains victory over negativity. This negativity ...